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Private Studio



12pm-8pm Daily







Thank you for making your way to my website!

So a little bit about me:

I was born and raised in Colorado, Northwest Aurora to be exact. Spent most of my childhood immersed in my imagination. I was constantly drawing, making models, folding origami and anything else that could entertain my curious mind.

I got my start into the art world one summer on the Riverwalk in New Orleans doing temporary tattoos with “Black Henna”. After that summer, I got a job in New York City at a tattoo shop on Canal Street doing the same type of body art. A manager took a chance with me and gave me a job even though I had little experience and no portfolio!

“Sacred Tattoo,” owned by Wes Wood, forever changed the direction of my life! I was blessed to get an apprenticeship in Tattooing. The knowledge I was given was priceless! It launched me into a world that continues to fascinate my mind and also bring me into contact with amazing individuals!

People are the most amazing thing on this planet. Being able to create art on the living canvas of skin is a privilege and an honor that I hold dear to my heart. It’s an absolute pleasure to manifest someone’s ideas into reality. From simple to complex tattoos, they all represent something special for each and every collector. I don’t hold myself to one style or one size of art that I work with. Small tattoos can be just as challenging as giant tattoos! So don’t be afraid to reach out to me with your ideas! Let’s create something great!


